Greetings from Shady Trails!!!!
First bit of news is the shift in leadership at the camp. After an incredible 17 years and more accolades than can be mentioned our dear Jack Moorlag is retiring as camp director. Shady Trails would like to sincerely thank Jack for everything he has done and everything he has given to Shady Trails! The number of lives touched by him cannot be recorded. Jack Moorlag will forever be a foundation at Shady Trails Camp! Everybody, past and present, staff, campers and their families wish Jack and his wife Gretchen nothing but the best in his well deserved retirement! Thank you “Captain Jack!!”
I am honored and humbled to be an official part of Shady Trails Camp as the new director! I can not thank Ms. Laura Deibel enough for giving me this extraordinary opportunity! Of course none of this would be here if it wasn’t for her generous heart and belief in a wonderful opportunity for not only the kids but the staff as well. My name is Karie Roman (Bensley) and I have literally been a part of Leelanau County since I was 10 weeks old. My roots, love and devotion run deep for this area. I am beyond excited to be a part of such an icon as Shady Trails Camp. I believe in its philosophy and its heart! I am looking forward to continuing the fabulous things that Jack has done. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have now and throughout the summer-it is a community! Shady Trails Camp has been, is, and always will be a special place and I am proud and thrilled to join the family!!!
The dates for this coming summer are July 8th through Aug 2. As always sign up can be for the entire 4 weeks, 2 weeks or pick one week. We are looking forward to seeing all the smiling faces!!! New to the registration process this year will be the ability to pay with credit card online – click here to sign op!
Also new is an online store where you will be able to view and order various Shady Trails wear. The beauty of it is that you can order early enough for the campers, and anyone who wants one, to receive the products before camp begins in July. Click here to visit the store!
We at Shady Trails are all very excited and are looking forward to another wonderful, adventurous summer!!!!
-Karie Roman
Shady Trails Camp Director